Sensei Kevin Colton
Sensei Kevin Colton
Sensei Kevin Colton, Yodan, is the Chief Instructor at the Santa Clarita Jujitsu School.
In 1966 Kevin started DZR Jujitsu with instructor Joe Burlin at the Pacific Palisades YMCA. The dojo relocated to the Westside YMCA in 1972 where Kevin continued his studies and received the rank of Sankyu from Burlin Sensei. In 1974 Professor William Randle took over the Westside Y where Kevin continued to train. Kevin transferred to Penmar Judokai where he studied under Professor James Marcinkus. He received his AJJF Shodan in July of 1976.
In 1978 Southern California separated from the AJJF and Professor Marcinkus retired. Kevin wandered from instructor to instructor until making contact with Professor Tom Ball in 1989 where a synergy developed. It was in 1993,that Professor Tom Ball formally became Kevin's sensei. Kevin received his AJJF Nidan in 1994; Sandan in 1997 and Yodan in 2000.
Kevin started teaching for the Santa Monica Parks and Recreation Department in 1971. He also taught classes at Westside YMCA and Penmar Judo Kai through the mid '70's. Kevin took over the Granada Hills Jujitsu Kai in 1984 from Eric Petrilli and transformed it into a prosperous and flourishing dojo until nature had it's way with the January 1994 Northridge earthquake. In August of 1993 Kevin opened Santa Clarita Valley Jujitsu (SCVJ) in Saugus where he resides. During the first five years of its operation, it was the largest dojo in the AJJF and to this day remains a powerful force within the federation.
Kevin graduated from the DanZan Ryu Seifukujitsu Institute under Professor Robert Hudson in March of 1997. In his years of teaching Kevin has promoted 18 students to the rank of Black Belt.
Kevin has been married to his wife Melanie since 1978 and has two beautiful daughters Shannon and Erin. Shannon is currently employed by the LA county fire department and is a Sankyu in DZR and will make Dad very happy when she receives her Shodan. Erin attends Saugus HS and is one of the leading players on the JV Volleyball team.
Kevin can be reached by email at
Other photos:
Sensei Kevin Colton after receiving his Yodan at the 2000 AJJF convention in Boise, ID. Pictured here are James Bodnar, Lama Jigme, Sensei Colton and Prof. Tom Ball.
Sensei Colton with his new belt.
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